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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Internet Marketing: 4 Keys to Making Real Money Online

Recently it was my distinct and pleasurable experience to participate in a webinar featuring the famed man from Lay Off Your Boss , the affable Jeff Wellman.

Not a man to UNDER deliver, Jeff OVER delivered and followed up his professional presentation with a message reiterating four of the keys to making real money online. It's important to pay close attention to Jeff's messages. He sprinkles much wisdom with his chatty greetings and you don't want to miss what his considerable and successful experience teaches. The man practices what he preaches.

Here are a few highlights from his latest offering:

  1. Step-By-Step Coaching

This one is really important because in order to succeed online you need step-by-step coaching from people who have been there before. It can be so difficult to understand how to succeed online without step-by-step teachings. If there is no proven step-by-step formula to follow than you are basically out on your own trying to figure things out. Everyone has to learn somehow so you may as well learn with a step-by-step system.

2. Website Traffic

Every website online needs traffic or website visitors in order to succeed. It is safe to say that without traffic Google, eBay, Amazon, and other major websites are nothing. The same thing holds true for your business. You can't get people to sign up for your list, buy your product, or click on your affiliate link without traffic to your site. Traffic is literally the lifeblood of your online business, is a core component that separates those that have succeeded well online and those that have not.

3. Technical Knowledge

In order to have some semblance of success you need to know some basic technical things like how to upload files to your web hosting company, how to use your hosting Cpanel, how to setup Wordpress on your own, etc. Armed with these basic skill sets you can really start seeing some success. In a future e-mail I am going to share with you a free video unveiling in detail a technical skill we all

4. Support

Live support is probably one of the best solutions you can find to really succeeding online. Trying to find a program that lets you ask questions when you have them will really help propel you to succeed. Sometimes e-mail interaction is just not enough so being able to talk to an expert and turn to them for support will be huge
for you.

Jeff Wellman not only laid off his boss, he became KING of SUPPORT, along with his partners, Dixie Brown and Paul Counts. I daresay they are unparalleled in their delivery of technical and educational support in the entire industry.

What you may not know about Jeff--he is probably Burger King's best walking, living, breathing ad for BK Coffee!

Jeff has handed us four keys for making real money online. What doors might that open for YOU?

Lay Off Your Boss

Connie Baum

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